By the end of September, IMK farms completed harvesting sunflower seeds and sowing winter wheat. According to the report, more than 77.7 thousand tons of sunflower seeds were harvested from an area of 24.3 thousand hectares, with an average yield of 3.2 tons per hectare, which exceeds the average indicator in Ukraine by 60% (according to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy data, as of September 26, the sunflower yield in Ukraine was 2 tons per hectare).
An area of 20.7 thousand hectares was also sown with winter wheat.
"This September was unusually dry and hot, allowing us to complete all field work in a condensed timeframe. Thus, despite the hot dry summer, we managed to obtain a good sunflower harvest with high quality indicators. It is expected that precipitation in adequate amounts will have a positive impact on winter wheat sown at the optimal time," noted IMK's Operations Director, Bohdan Krivytskyi.