Trading platform
Analysis of counterparties and selection of HS
Learn about signs of a companys activity and trustworthiness. Select the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity and check the counterparty for trademarks, licenses and inspections completed. Declare goods through the Federal Customs Service using a specific HS code.
Checking counterparties
Signs of a company's activity may indirectly indicate its reliability. Trademarks, licenses, passed inspections — these facts make it possible to make sure that the counterparty works not only on paper.
CheckSelection HS code
All goods transported across the border must undergo customs declaration. To do this, a declaration is submitted to the Federal Customs Service, where each imported or exported product is assigned a specific code of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity.
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The new service will help find sellers and buyers of agricultural products around the world. You can post information on it for free. All information on the site is checked for accuracy using a verification system.