In the current year, the Russian Federation will reduce the areas for growing winter crops. Such a forecast was announced by the president of the Russian Grain Union, Arkady Zlochevsky, on August 12, according to information from Grain Online.
The expert explains that this assumption is based on the fact that the costs of cultivating agricultural crops continue to rise, except for goods whose prices are controlled by regulators. This increase in costs for agricultural producers will be taken into account when planning the sowing of winter crops.
"We will only sow what is enough. The trend is obvious - we will not be able to maintain the level of sowings from last year," Zlochevsky emphasized.
It is worth reminding that according to Rosstat data, as a result of last year's sowing campaign in the Russian Federation, 17.49 million hectares of winter grain crops were sown, including wheat - 16.13 million hectares.