In his Telegram channel and on "Stolypin 2.0," the co-owner of Rostselmash company, Konstantin Babkin, reported on low agricultural machinery sales in 2024, which are the lowest in the past 10 years. The main reasons for this situation he named are high export duties on grain, increasing raw material costs, high interest rates on loans, and reduction in government support.
Babkin points out that previously the agricultural machinery industry received preferential loans, which are now more expensive for the budget due to the high key rate, leading to a reduction in subsidy volumes. Also, export duties of 3,000 rubles per ton of grain deprive farmers of 1.5 trillion rubles over three years, and the tax and resource burden on producers is higher than that of foreign competitors.
State support for this industry is decreasing - if earlier 10% of production costs were compensated, which helped increase the share of domestic machinery to 70%, over the past two years funding has been cut, and the process of its distribution has become less transparent. As a result, agribusiness reduces investments, projects receive much less funding, and the industry plunges into crisis.