Omsk breeding has achieved a significant breakthrough in the development of a spring soft wheat variety called Sigma 5. This variety was created using innovative accelerated breeding technology in collaboration with the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The variety is characterized by high grain quality, increased yield, and enhanced resistance to plant diseases.
It is important to note that patents have been obtained for several new varieties of spring soft wheat, such as Ishimskaya 14, spring oats Irtysh 34, and spring barley Omskiy 103. These varieties possess competitive qualities, surpassing foreign analogs, and are highly productive in the conditions of Western Siberia and Kazakhstan.
Efforts to implement a federal grant are actively ongoing. From 2021 to 2024, the Omsk Agricultural Scientific Center will receive 128.719 million rubles within the grant framework, subject to co-financing. These funds will be directed towards conducting cutting-edge research in the field of breeding. Additionally, the grant includes plans to acquire breeding equipment and laboratory facilities, as well as to enhance the qualifications of specialists.