The information from the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, provided to the publication поле.рф, indicates that 50-80% of the quota for importing seeds from unfriendly countries for 2024 has been fulfilled, depending on the specific crops. According to data as of September 3, quotas for sunflower and sugar beet reached 80% of the set limit, in accordance with government resolution No. 72 of January 27, 2024.
In February 2024, quotas for the import of seeds for 9 types of agricultural crops, including wheat and rapeseed, totaling 33.1 thousand tons by the end of the current year, were calculated. It is planned that quota allocation will be extended to 2025, however, new limits will be set after the end of the harvesting campaign and analysis of the domestic market.
It is also noted that to participate in the quota distribution, it is necessary to provide a foreign trade contract confirming the company's competence in seed import. Starting from September 1, importers are required to record the volumes of seed imports in the FGIS "Seed Production" system, which ensures control over the product at all stages of its movement.