In the Rostov region, the harvesting of early grain crops has been completed. During the state monitoring of wheat grain of the 2024 crop, experts from the Rostov branch of the FGBU "Grain Quality Assessment Center" took 10.7 thousand samples in the region, conducted 109,540 examinations for the consumer properties of the grain, and issued more than 8.5 thousand test reports.
Currently, the volume of examined wheat grain in the Rostov region amounts to 9.3 million tons, which is 93% of the total harvested crop.
“The total grain and legume harvest in the Don region amounted to 10.8 million tons, with an average yield of 35.6 centners per hectare. According to the test results, 66.6% of the wheat grain studied at the moment meets the food quality requirements. Of these, 17.7% belong to the 3rd class, 48.9% to the 4th class, and 33.4% to the 5th class,” - reported the head of the Rostov branch of the FGBU "Grain Quality Assessment Center" - Iya Leonova.