Among the farmers of the Stavropol region, the most popular varieties of white cabbage remain "Amager", "Slava", and "Gertsoginya". These varieties, bred in Russia, successfully compete with imported analogues.
Cabbage is grown in various regions, including Blagodarnensky, Neftekumsky, Levokumsky, Kirovsky, Stepnovsky, Apanasenkovsky, Arzgirsky, Georgievsky, and Trunovsky districts. At the moment, about 333 tons of harvest have been collected from 38 hectares. The harvest will continue until the end of autumn," said the first deputy minister of agriculture of the region, Elena Tambovtseva.
In addition to white cabbage, colored cabbage, Chinese cabbage, and broccoli are also grown in Stavropol.
The development of plant growing in the region is supported by the state within the framework of the regional program "Development of agriculture". Agricultural organizations receive assistance, including support in vegetable growing and potato growing. Governor Vladimir Vladimirov called on the relevant department to maintain the pace of state support for farmers and continue to develop these areas of the agro-industrial complex.