Sales of grain from the state intervention fund at the National Commodity Exchange (NCE, part of the Moscow Exchange group) following the trading session on Wednesday decreased by 5.7 times compared to the previous session, to 945 tons, according to the exchange materials.
During the trading session on December 25, 945 tons of wheat (grade 4 of the 2022 crop) were sold for a total of 14.241 million rubles. This sales volume is much lower than in previous trades, when 5700 tons of grain were sold.
The trades took place within one of the 12 mini-sessions. The delivery basis was set in the Republic of Tatarstan. The next trading sessions are scheduled for December 26, 27, and 28.
The mechanism of grain procurement and commodity interventions is used to maintain price stability for grain crops. The procurement phase lasted from December 11, 2023 to July 15, 2024, during which 4 million tons of grain were accumulated in the state intervention fund, including 3.9 million tons of wheat.
Commodity interventions started on August 19, 2024, and as of now, 113,940 tons of wheat have been sold from the fund for a total of 1.746 billion rubles. In total, 153 elevators are listed as delivery bases.