As part of the state project "Forest Conservation", which is a part of the national project "Ecological Wellbeing" initiated by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, work is being carried out.
The assessment of the forest condition allows for timely detection and elimination of areas affected by pests, as well as effective planning of preventive measures, noted the acting Minister of Forestry and Nature Management of the Yaroslavl Region Irina Gukasyan. Specialists inspect windfalls, windbreaks, areas affected by fires, as well as clean coniferous forests all year round, while other plantations are inspected in spring and autumn. If necessary, biotechnical measures, sanitary felling, and removal of unmarketable wood are carried out.
Last year, the plan for conducting forest pathology surveys was significantly exceeded, covering over 6 thousand hectares.
Sanitary-improvement measures are planned to be carried out on an area of 35 hectares, of which 4.7 hectares are allocated for complete sanitary felling, and 30.3 hectares are used for removal of unmarketable wood.
Biotechnical measures will cover 3.2 thousand hectares, including the creation of artificial nests for insectivorous birds and protection of habitats of insect-entomoaphages.