In the region, potatoes of different ripening periods are grown - from early to late. To harvest the first crop in early July, farmers start planting in March, immediately after the snow melts. Planting of later varieties takes place in the summer, and the harvest gathered in autumn will ensure food security for the population throughout the winter.
Currently, potato harvesting is underway at one of the largest farms in the Ipatovo district - LLC "SKhP Agroinvest." 1500 hectares are allocated for this crop in the farm. Among the most popular early varieties of potatoes are: Prime, Hermosa, Arizona, and Colomba.
The region provides measures of state support for potato growers. This year, farmers engaged in potato cultivation received 62.8 million rubles. State aid helps enterprises of the region's agro-industrial complex to compensate part of the production costs. The subsidy is allocated within the framework of the federal project "Development of vegetable and potato farming sectors," as told by the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the region, Elena Tambovtseva.