Despite unusual weather conditions, such as prolonged precipitation in August and September, agricultural enterprises in the Tomsk region successfully completed the harvesting campaign almost a week earlier than last year.
According to preliminary data from the Department of Socio-Economic Development of the Tomsk region, the region's agriculture harvested 310.7 thousand tons of cereals and leguminous crops, which corresponds to an average yield of 21.4 centners per hectare.
The largest volume of grain crops this year was recorded in the Tomsk district and amounted to 22.5 centners per hectare.
Harvesting of oilseeds has also been completed in the Tomsk region. 26.8 thousand hectares were processed, producing 36.2 thousand tons, with an average yield reaching 13.5 centners per hectare. The best oilseed crop yields were noted in the Krivosheino district, where it amounted to 24.3 centners per hectare.
Almost all winter crops sowing is completed in the region – work done on 93.7%, with 9.3 thousand hectares sown.
Preparatory measures before sowing have been carried out on 75%, with 102.8 thousand hectares processed.