Express orders for purchase or sale Soy
Find the most profitable buy and sell orders Camelina
We buy! ANY forms of payment!!! From the spot!!!
- CORN grain from 20%+
- FLAX- any sort!!!
- OATS- with low quality
- SOY with sunflower
- SUNFLOWER and any not condition!!!
- WHEAT 5-4 CLASS 🌾🌾🌾
🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 Hello! Lentils green for sale Location of warehouse: Stanitsa Rayevskaya, 20 km from Novorossiysk Total volume: 218,400 kg In 25 kg bags: 52,500 kg Bulk: 165,900 Cost: 71,000 with VAT All documents are available. Phone:
I will buy corn in the Voronezh, Kursk, Belgorod, Lipetsk regions at 17.5 rubles per ton, excluding VAT, starting from 500 tons.
❗️❗️❗️FOR SALE❗️❗️❗️ 🚩RAPSEEDS 500 tons 🔣OIL 50.8% 🚩SUNFLOWER SEEDS 1000 tons 🔣INDICATORS IN DATABASE 🔣OIL 48% 🚩WHEAT 1000 tons 🔣PROTEIN 12.5 ❗️❗️❗️NON-CASH PAYMENT, VAT NOT INCLUDED❗️❗️❗️ 📌KHARKIV REGION 📌 WhatsApp/Telegram
Welcome ❗️ The company is buying ❗️ On a regular basis ‼️ Southern Federal District, Central Federal District, Volga Federal District ‼️ New territories ‼️ LNR, DNR, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia regions ❗️❗️✅ ✅ 🔴🌾 Wheat 3,4,5 grades 🔴🌻 Sunflower 🔴Barley 🔴🌽 Corn (Any non-cash payments, one hundred percent prepayment) 📞
Selling Yellow Mustard 300 tons for 40 rubles per ton without VAT Volgograd Oblast. Questions in PM
Selling Yellow Mustard 300 tons at 40 rubles per ton without VAT. Volgograd region. Questions in PM.
☁️💥SUGAR FOR SALE💥☁️. ‼️Non-cash, no VAT, any quantities‼️ ‼️DETAILS IN PM, WORKING WITH AGENTS‼️
⚠️Ulyanovsk region⚠️ Direct sales from the manufacturer‼️ ‼️
- 1- Green lentils 1000 tons❗️
- 2- Brown flaxseed 500 tons❗️
- 3- Barley 2000 tons❗️
- 4- Soybeans (grade avc 40-44) 2000 tons❗️
- 5- Wheat (germination 6-7%) 14 with VAT - 1000 tons❗️
‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ SEEDS FOR SALE🌾
- 1. Green lentils (brilliant variety)⚠️
- 2. Brown flaxseed ⚠️
- 3. Soybeans (Pripyat variety)⚠️
- 4. Wheat 3rd class ⚠️ 400 tons ⚠️ Undory (Ulyanovsk Region) Protein 25-26 CP 280 Protein 14 Soybeans 150 tons (avc 34.5-35) Urgent sale We work with VAT ☄️ Fast shipping ☄️ Sales from the farm ☄️ Large scales
Alexander TELEGRAM: 📱 WhatsApp: 📱
Wheat 40,000 tons 12 protein 18 with VAT Write.
✅ Sale: 🇷🇺 EXPORT: 🌾 WHEAT: * Protein - 12.5% * Protein - 11.5% * Protein - 10.5% 🌾 BARLEY: * Nature 620 🌽 CORN: * Yellow stern 🌻 Sunflower oil: * Refined * Unrefined 🚚🚢 FCA, FOB, CIF.
📌 Shipment from ports: * AZOV; * CASPIAN; * BLACK seas.
📌 Ship lots from 3,000 to 100,000 tons.
💰 Payment currency: Euro, Russian ruble, Yuan.
Organization - exporter purchases Agricultural crops directly from the field. Any form of payment (cash, cashless) Own transportation, working across the Russian Federation. Wheat of 3rd, 4th, 5th grades, barley, peas, split peas, chickpeas, soybeans, sunflower, corn, sorghum, safflower are required. All options, wet, dry, with odor, waste, from farm or elevator, without documents, any option will be accepted! We work with intermediaries
⚠️ Ulyanovsk Region ⚠️ Sales from the manufacturer ‼️ ‼️ 1- green lentils 1000 tons ❗️ 2- brown flaxseed 500 tons ❗️ 3- barley 2000 tons ❗️ 4 - soybeans (asv 40-44) 2000 tons ❗️ 5- wheat (germ 6-7%) 14 with VAT - 1000 tons ❗️ ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ SEEDS FOR SALE 🌾 1. Green lentils (Brilliant variety) ⚠️ 2. Brown flaxseed ⚠️ 3. Soybeans (Pripyat variety) ⚠️ Wheat 3rd grade ⚠️ 400 tons ⚠️ Undory (Ulyanovsk region) Protein 25-26 CP 280 Protein 14 Soybeans 150 tons (asv 34.5-35) Urgent sale Working with VAT ☄️ Fast shipment ☄️ Sale from the farm ☄️ Large scales Alexander TELEGRAM: 📱 WHATSAPP: 📱
WHEAT 🌾 EXPORT 3rd grade - $220 4th grade - $210 NOVOROSSIYSK 🛳️ FOB ——— Barley 🌾 Export $190 Port Novorossiysk⛴️ For questions, please DM!
WHEAT 🌾 EXPORT 3rd grade - $220 4th grade - $210 NOVOROSSIYSK 🛳️ FOB ——— Barley 🌾 Export $190 Port of Novorossiysk ⛴️ Questions in DM!
Hello, on a regular basis I will buy SUNFLOWER, GOST, WEEDY, MOIST, ACIDIC, PROBLEMATIC, TAKEN FROM THE SPOT WITH MY OWN TRANSPORT. Will buy any volume. BUY WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS. Ulyanovsk Region, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Penza Region, Samara Region, Saratov Region, Roman.
Urgently buying! Peas Barley Wheat
Wheat of grade 3 is for sale, gluten 25, 26.8, 27.6, 28.9, Akmola region, Kazakhstan, selling threshold 71 tenge (approximately 1.735 sum, 14.2 rubles), no lower offers accepted. For any inquiries, please contact the MANUFACTURER in Kazakhstan at the following number. Do not message this account, I am a manager.
Hello, dear colleagues! We are buying: 🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾 WHEAT 3rd, 4th, 5th grade, feed and non-class (with sprout). With your delivery to elevators and on the terms of self-pickup from farms of Belgorod, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tambov, Saratov, Volgograd, Rostov regions, Krasnodar, Stavropol Territory. Payment method: with VAT, without VAT, cash. All offers to personal messages or by phone.
‼️‼️PURCHASE‼️‼️ 🌾BARLEY🌾 in Rostov-on-Don At the gates Attack with our delivery 💰💰15600₽ without VAT💰💰 ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ VAT, without VAT, live Drop your offers Let's discuss individually 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Alexander Telegram 📨WhatsApp 📨calls☎️
We buy wheat, corn, barley, peas, sunflower seeds, chickpeas, flax. Pick up from 100 tons, self-pickup. Full prepayment, any form of payment, write, we will consider all offers. We work in the following regions: Rostov, Voronezh, Saratov, Tambov, Krasnodar, and Stavropol Territory. Evgeny
🍒WE BUY - Sow Thistle - Buckwheat - Sheep Sorrel - Wheatgrass - White and Yellow Mustard - Golden Flax - Brown Flax - Coriander - Spring Vetch - Safflower - Radish - Alfalfa - Yellow Mustard - Sainfoin - Ryegrass - Timothy - Phacelia. All with seasoning in big bags. Preferably in the Volga Federal District 🌱 - Snježana, or write in PM 😊
🏭🏭🏭 Large processing plant located in Donetsk, DPR, is constantly BUYING wheat of grades 3-5, namely: 🌾🌾🌾 WHEAT, grade 3, protein not less than 23, 💰18000 rubles with VAT ‼️ 🌾🌾🌾 WHEAT, grade 4, protein from 20, 💰17000 rubles with VAT ‼️ 🌾🌾🌾 WHEAT, grade 5, protein from 20, 💰16500 rubles with VAT ‼️ 🇷🇺 Payment method: non-cash payment with VAT or without VAT ‼️ 🏗️ Unloading: Mon-Fri round the clock, Sat-Sun by arrangement ☎️ WhatsApp/phone Vladimir Vasilievich 📩 Offers to email
🌿Barley according to Norma ⚖️ 1500 tons ⬆️ Girsovka (Zaporizhzhia region) ⬇️ Rostov-on-Don (Aston, Rostov-on-Don) 🚜 Manitou 🛣️ 380 km 💵 1500 rub/ton cashless Khartiya ☎️
200 tons of sunflower seeds. Loading in Balakovo. Payment: 38 trucks. Payment in cash. Contact phone for communication and messenger.
The agricultural firm purchases corn and offers logistics services !!! LLC "StandardAgro" has been on the market for over 10 years. FGIS. Non-cash payment with VAT. Price depends on quality. We operate in the following regions: Tambov, Ryazan, Lipetsk, and Penza. For any additional questions contact: Manager: Kirill; Commercial Director: Alexey.
- 🆕 Wheat 650 tons protein 16, protein 11.2 CH 86 moisture 12 to Ulyanovsk 250 km Samara region 12150 rubles/ton for live
- 🆕 Wheat 3000 tons protein 22, protein 12 nature 810 IDK 60 CH 380 impurity 0.2 moisture 10.8 grain 0.2 to Saratov 200 km Penza region 16150 rubles/ton with VAT
- 🆕 Wheat 850 tons protein 20, protein 12 moisture 10 impurity 2 to Saratov 190 km Saratov region 16150 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Wheat 4000 tons (photo, analysis) protein 12 CH 60 nature 600 impurity 2 grain 35 sprouting 30 to Orenburg 170 km Bashkortostan 11350 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Wheat 1200 tons (video) protein 15 moisture 15 sprouting 4-10% Bashkortostan to Ufa 50 km 12650 rubles/ton with VAT
- 🆕 Wheat 1000 tons protein 21, protein 12.5 moisture 10 impurity 2 to Penza 100 km Penza region 16150 rubles/ton with VAT
- 🆕 Barley 250 tons nature 680 impurity 2 moisture 12 to Samara 70 km Samara region 13150 rubles/ton for live
- ✅ Barley 3000 tons nature 630 moisture 12 impurity 2 to Penza 200 km Nizhny Novgorod region 15450 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Barley 2000 tons nature 630 impurity 2 grain 4 moisture 13.5 to Orenburg 160 km Bashkortostan 13350 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Barley 1000 tons nature 620 protein 11 impurity 3 moisture 11.5 grain 2.8 to Penza 50 km Penza region 16150 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Rye 1000 tons nature 756 CH 220-300 moisture 12 impurity 2 Bryansk region to Bryansk 240 km 15850 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Rye 3600 tons CH 200 moisture 12 to Voronezh 250 km Voronezh region 15650 rubles/ton with VAT
- 🆕 Soybean 400 tons protein 36 oil content 12 impurity 2 to Ryazan 130 km Ryazan region 38200 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Soybean 1000 tons protein 31-34 oil content 11 impurity 2 to Ryazan 160 km Ryazan region 36200 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Soybean 200 tons (photo) protein 30 oil content 12 to Ryazan 70 km Ryazan region 33200 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Soybean 300 tons protein 35 oil content 10 impurity 2 to Oryol 100 km Oryol region 35200 rubles/ton without VAT
- 🆕 Sunflower 3000 tons oil 50 impurity 3 moisture 7 to Ulyanovsk 250 km 36200 rubles/ton without VAT
- ✅ Sunflower 3000 tons oil 48 impurity 3 to Ulyanovsk 250 km Nizhny Novgorod region 41200 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Sunflower 1000 tons oil content 51 moisture 8 impurity 2 to Tambov 300 km Penza region 45200 rubles/ton with VAT
- 🆕 Corn 1500 tons (photo) grain 5 moisture 13 to Tambov 270 km Penza region 16150 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Corn 2000 tons (photo) moisture 13.5 to Kursk 100 km Kursk region 16150 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Corn 700 tons (analysis) grain 7.3 impurity 1 moisture 13 to Penza 70 km Penza region 16150 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Pea 350 tons moisture 13 impurity 2 to Ryazan 180 km Ryazan region 25200 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Pea 2000 tons (photo) moisture 12 impurity 3 to Ulyanovsk 250 km Nizhny Novgorod region 25700 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Pea 1000 tons moisture 12 impurity 3 to Nizhny Novgorod 200 km Nizhny Novgorod region 24500 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Rapeseed 2200 tons (photo, analysis) oil 48 moisture 7 impurity 2 to Kursk 100 km Kursk region 45200 rubles/ton with VAT
- ✅ Rapeseed 1000 tons oil 48 moisture 7 impurity 0.5 to Lipetsk 150 km Ryazan region 44200 rubles/ton with VAT (Whats up)
- Предложение по Soft wheat from 17.01.2025
We are constantly buying confectionery sunflower seeds in both raw and pre-packaged forms. Payment method - non-cash. Agents are welcome! All inquiries in private messages or by phone.
We buy soy 33% protein
The company purchases: 🌾Flax 🫘Peas 🫛Chickpeas 6 🫛Chickpeas 8 🌾Mustard yellow 🌾Mustard white 🌾Yellow millet 🌾Red millet 🌾Lentils 🌾Natural oat 550 🌺Safflower Mikhail
🏭🏭🏭 Large processing plant, 📍Donetsk, DPR, on a regular basis BUYS wheat of grades 3-5, namely: 🌾🌾🌾 WHEAT, grade 3, gluten not less than 23, 💰18000 rubles with VAT ‼️ 🌾🌾🌾 WHEAT, grade 4, gluten from 20, 💰17000 rubles with VAT ‼️ 🌾🌾🌾 WHEAT, grade 5, gluten from 20, 💰16500 rubles with VAT ‼️ 🇷🇺 Payment method: non-cash payment with VAT or without VAT ‼️ 🏗️ Unloading: Mon-Fri around the clock, Sat-Sun by agreement ☎️ WhatsApp/phone Vladimir Vasilievich 📩 Offers by email
The plant for processing on a regular basis throughout the territory of Russia buys:
- Rapeseed
- Sunflower
Payment: cash/non-cash with VAT without VAT. Self-pickup and delivery. Ilya
The plant specializing in processing on a regular basis throughout the territory of Russia is buying:
- Rapeseed
- Sunflower
Payment: cash / non-cash with VAT without VAT. Pickup and delivery. Ilya
I will buy sunflower seeds in Barnaul for cash. Unloading on Saturday and Sunday. Good price.
SALE 1. White mustard 100 tons. Packaging Big Bag. Price 36 VAT. Stavropol. 2. Food peas 2,000 tons. Price 27,700 VAT. Stavropol. CALL: WhatsApp/Phone
I will buy sunflower seeds in Barnaul for cash, unloading on Saturday and Sunday, interesting price
The organization buys corn with a grain impurity of up to 10% at a high price from agricultural producers in the Central Federal District. Cash and non-cash payment, self-pickup. Valery
I will buy sunflower seeds in Rostov with overdraft and peas cash without cash.
PURCHASE - Silybum marianum - Buckwheat - Common knotgrass - Winter wheat - White and yellow Mustard - Golden Flax - Brown Flax - Coriander - Vicia - Safflower - Radish - Alfalfa - Yellow Mustard - Sainfoin - Ryegrass - Timothy-grass - Phacelia. All packaged in big bags. Preferably Central Federal District 🌱 Snezhanna
We buy wheat, sunflower seeds, barley, soybeans, and other agricultural products with documents, without cash. Dmitry
Public Joint Stock Company "Buturlinovsky Flour Mill" constantly purchases wheat of the 3rd and 4th grades. We cooperate with traders and agricultural producers. We do not work with agents.
🌾 CONSIDERING OFFERS FROM REGIONS: VORONEZH; TAMBOV; LIPETSK; VOLGOGRAD; KURSK; BELGOROD; SARATOV; PENZA 🌾 Address: Voronezh Region, Buturlinovka city. Contact us via telegram/WhatsApp
*KFK BORIEV is constantly buying*:
- ▶️ Wheat (including feed)
- ▶️ Corn
- ▶️ Barley
💰 *Prepayment*
🚛 *Self pick-up*
Regions for purchasing: Krasnodar Krai, Republic of Adygea, Ryazan Oblast, Kursk Oblast, Saratov Oblast, Orenburg Oblast, Republic of Mordovia, Tula Oblast
☎️ Contact Zarema
Selling brown FLAX, located at the elevator, class up to 3, moisture up to 8 according to GOST 300 tons 40 rubles without VAT Samara region, Klyavlino. Analysis report is available. I pay for shipping myself.
I sell BROWN FLAX, located at the elevator, sorting up to 3, moisture up to 8 according to GOST, 300 tons, price 40 rubles per ton without VAT, Samara region, Klyavlino. Analysis report is available. I pay for the shipment myself.
I will buy wheat of 3rd, 4th, 5th grades (also sprouted), barley, oats (including second grades), sunflower seeds according to GOST, wet, acid. Payment in cash or cashless.
Wheat 12 protein 40,000 tons 18% VAT price Write.
We BUY sunflower seeds from Kazan, Tatarstan, Samara, Bashkortostan, Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod, and Chuvashia. Prepayment. Fast removal. Trading House Perspektiva Nikita
We BUY Sunflower seeds in Kazan, Tatarstan, Samara, Bashkortostan, Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Chuvashia. Prepayment. Fast removal. Trading House Perspective, Nikita
We sell sunflower oilseeds for cash payment. Delivery by our own vehicles. Phone number for inquiries.
Selling 200 tons of wheat, class 3. Nature 815, protein 15, gluten 25. Location: Stavropol Krai, Shpakovsky District. Payment in cash only!
Selling WHEAT 4 grade according to GOST 400-500 tons from stock, with VAT Lipetsk region, Yelets district Sale from individual farm, owner! Any vehicles, quality indicators on request. Offer a price. Details in PM
Buy: Soft wheat 3,4,5 class Barley GOST Expensive Orenburg region Self-pickup is possible!!!!
Looking to buy peas, soybeans, barley, wheat (including sprouted) in Ulyanovsk and Samara regions
We buy wheat and barley, corn and peas, soybeans and lupine, oats and rye, millet and lupine for cash from agricultural producers of Kursk, Belgorod, Orel regions. Self-pickup. Contact phone: Valeriy
SALE 1. White mustard 100 tons. Packing Big Bag. Price 36 VAT. Stavropol. 2. Food peas 2,000 tons. Price 27,700 VAT. Stavropol. CALL: WhatsApp/Phone
SALE 1. White mustard 100 t. Packaging Big Bag. Price 36 VAT. Stavropol. 2. Food peas 2,000 t. Price 27,700 VAT. Stavropol. CALL: WhatsApp/Phone
🟢Good day!🟢 🌾 LLC "Agro Volga" sells food-grade WHEAT 2nd class 🌾 At a price of 14.5 rub/kg with VAT, shipment from Kirov region Quality: Gluten 680-681, Falling Number 204, moisture 13%, weed impurities 1%, grain impurities 1.7%. For all inquiries, please call or write:
🏭🏭🏭 Large processing plant located in Donetsk, DPR, is constantly PURCHASING wheat of grades 3-5, namely: 🌾🌾🌾 WHEAT, Grade 3, protein not less than 23, 💰18000 rubles with VAT ‼️ 🌾🌾🌾 WHEAT, Grade 4, protein from 20, 💰17000 rubles with VAT ‼️ 🌾🌾🌾 WHEAT, Grade 5, protein from 20, 💰16500 rubles with VAT ‼️ 🇷🇺 Payment method: non-cash payment with VAT or without VAT ‼️ 🏗️ Unloading: Mon-Fri around the clock, Sat-Sun by agreement ☎️ WhatsApp/phone Vladimir Vasilyevich 📩 Offers to email
ℹ️ Buying soybeans ℹ️ protein from 38+%, also buying low-protein from 25+%, with high moisture, splits, cash/non-cash on the spot
🍒BUYING - Silybum - Buckwheat - Buckwheat - Cornflower - White and yellow mustard - Golden flax - Brown flax - Coriander - Spring vetch - Safflower - Radish - Alfalfa - Yellow mustard - Sainfoin - ryegrass - timothy - phacelia All with packaging in big bags Preferably PFO 🌱 Snezhanna, or write in PM 😊
The company "TVP Trade" regularly purchases: 🌾 wheat, barley, peas. Delivery terms: by railway car and FOB. For questions and offers, please send a direct message. Contacts: Arina (WhatsApp), Telegram
The processing plant ‼️PURCHASES SOYBEANS‼️ in Belgorod region, Kursk region, Voronezh region, Bryansk region, Orel region. Raw protein content only 30-36! Payment via bank transfer only. Unloading: Belgorod. Contact: Ekaterina
🌾We are buying barley in Rostov-on-Don🌾 📲 🤳Alexander
📌 Our organization is constantly buying:
🌾 Feed wheat (protein from 10.5%) MARI EL
🌾 Feed wheat (protein from 10.50%, moisture up to 14) PERM
🌾 Barley in PERM
🌾 Feed wheat (protein from 10.50%, moisture up to 14) KIROV
✅ Need from 100 to 6000 tons!
💰 Payment upon delivery, 💳 cashless settlement. Offers in PM 📝 or by phone.
Hello, I will buy SUNFLOWER on a regular basis, according to GOST, WEEDY, DAMP, ACIDIC, PROBLEMATIC, TAKING AWAY FROM THE SITE WITH OUR OWN TRANSPORT. Any volume We will buy WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS. Ulyanovsk region Tatarstan Chuvashia Penza region Samara region Saratov region Roman.
Hello, I will buy SUNFLOWER on a regular basis, according to GOST, WEEDY, MOIST, ACIDIC, PROBLEMATIC, AND WILL TAKE IT AWAY WITH MY OWN TRANSPORT. We will buy any volume of WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS. Ulyanovsk region, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Penza region, Samara region, Saratov region, Roman.
🌾 We buy barley in Rostov-on-Don 🌾 📲 🤳 Alexander
📌The organization permanently buys:
🌾Fodder wheat (protein from 10.5%) MARIY EL
🌾Fodder wheat (protein from 10.50, moisture up to 14) PERM
🌾Barley in PERM
🌾Fodder wheat (protein from 10.50, moisture up to 14) KIROV
✅Need from 100 to 6000 tons!
💰 Payment upon delivery, 💳 non-cash payment. Offer in PM 📝 or by phone
❗️For sale❗️ 🌾Barley🌾 5000 tons at a linear 🛤elevator🛤 Sort 2, grain quality 4, humidity 630. Waiting for shipment at Salavat station, Russia, 653003. Price 12500 with VAT, payment 100% in advance 💯% Stanislav
For sale: 🌾BARLEY🌾 5000 tons on a linear 🛤elevator🛤 Sort 2, grain 4, nature 630. Waiting station Salavat RB 653003. 12500 with VAT census on prepayment 💯% Stanislav
‼️ LLC "ENERGO" offers your enterprise the following: ‼️ - sunflower hybrid seeds - spring rape hybrid seeds - corn hybrid seeds - dairy products - grain - eggs ‼️ Wholesale supply, delivery. For all inquiries, please contact us via direct messages ‼️
🛑Accepting at our location! (Arмавир)
🛑Pick up available!
📞 Contact us: Looking forward to your offers!
!!! Buying Barley, Oats in Central Federal District !!! GOST Non-cash payment. Any declaration. Offers in DM.
!!! Buying Barley, Oats in Central Federal District !!! GOST Non-cash payment. Any declaration. Offers in DM.
We buy wheat, sunflower seeds, barley, soybeans, and other agricultural products with documents, cashless payment. Dmitry
Selling chickpea 6+ white 200 tons and flax brown 20 tons. Volgograd region from agricultural producer with VAT included. Phone:
Wheat class 3 for sale, gluten 27.6, 26.8, 28.9, Akmola region, Kazakhstan, selling price threshold 71 tenge (about 14.2 rubles if payment in rubles), do not offer lower. For all inquiries, please contact the MANUFACTURER in Kazakhstan at tel. . Do not write to this account, I am a manager
📣📣📣📣📣‼️‼️‼️Agat Milling Complex offers high-quality wheat flour under the brand "Terek". We are a direct manufacturer and ready to supply our products wholesale. We are leaders among competitors ‼️ 🚩Cooperation terms: 🔴Minimum order: from 20 tons FCA Budennovsk 🔴Production capacity: from 1000 tons per day 🔴Packaging: 2 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg, and 50 kg 🔴Delivery: possible under FCA, CPT, DAP, FOB, CIF terms 🚩Additional services: 🔴Own railway siding for logistics convenience. 🔴Payment upon loading by prior arrangement. 🔴We invite you to visit our factory to see the production processes. 🔴Your representative can be present during loading. 📌For current Prices & terms of cooperation, contact us on 📱 WhatsApp (Ekaterina). We welcome cooperation with agents and are open to long-term partnership🔔
Urgently buy peas in Rostov region, Krasnodar region
⚠️Ulyanovsk region⚠️ Sale from the manufacturer ‼️ ‼️ 1- green lentils 1000 tons ❗️ 2- brown flax 500 tons ❗️ 3- barley 2000 tons ❗️ 4- soybeans (asv 40-44) 2000 tons ❗️ 5- wheat (sprout 6-7%) 14 with VAT - 1000 tons ❗️ ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ SEEDS FOR SALE 🌾 1. Green lentils (type diamond)⚠️ 2. Brown flax ⚠️ 3. Soybeans (type Pripyat)⚠️ Wheat 3rd grade ⚠️ 400 tons ⚠️ Undory (Ulyanovsk region) Protein 25-26 Сhp 280 Soybeans 14 (asv 34.5-35) Urgent sale Working with VAT ☄️ Fast shipping ☄️ Sale from the farm ☄️ Large scales - Alexander TELEGRAM: 📱 WHATSAPP: 📱
Barley BEER 300 tons Indicators: - Quality base 💸 Price: 20.20 incl. VAT 📍 Lipetsk region, Yelets district Vadim Wheat class 3 450 tons Indicators: - 28 gluten. - falling number 95. - moisture 760-770. - falling number 260. - 16 protein. - 42 vitreousness 💸 Price 14.20 RUB excl. VAT 📍 Volzhsky district, Samara region Vadim Wheat 1000 tons Indicators: - wet gluten 30 - protein 14-15 💸 Price: negotiable 📍 Samara region Vadim
I will buy sunflower seeds with overloads in Rostov and peas with cash or without cash
‼️‼️PURCHASE‼️‼️ 🌾BARLEY🌾 in Rostov-on-Don Delivery available 💰💰15600₽ without VAT💰💰 ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ VAT, without VAT, fresh Feel free to make offers Discuss individually 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Alexander Telegram 📨 WhatsApp 📨 calls ☎️
✅ 🔴GREEN LENTILS WHOLESALE🔴✅ 🫛 Shipment from 100 tons 🫛 According to GOST ❗️ 🫛 GOST 1 CLASS ❗️ 🫛 In stock 🫛 Harvest 2024 ❗️ 🫛 With monitoring ❗️ ☎️ ☎️ ☎️ Call / text 🖍 WhatsApp Telegram
I will buy Peas, Soybeans, Barley, Wheat (including sprouted) from Ulyanovsk and Samara regions.
🟢Good day!🟢 🌾 LLC "Agro Povolzhye" sells food-grade WHEAT 2 class 🌾 Priced at 14.5 rub/kg with VAT, shipment from Kirov region Quality: Gluten 680-681, Falling number 204, moisture 13%, weed impurities 1%, grain impurities 1.7%. For all inquiries, please call or message:
❗ The company purchases:
- Flax (golden, brown)
- Mustard (yellow, white)
- Safflower
- Vetch (spring, winter)
- Clover
- Phacelia
✅ In the Central Federal District (PFO) and also consider other regions based on all offers in private messages!
😮 Buying grain, wheat, barley, peas. I WILL BUY ANY VOLUME OF YOUR CROPS‼️🤝💰 💢On a regular basis💢 🫘GRAIN🫘 🌾 WHEAT/BARLEY🌾 🍀PEAS🍀 🤝Individual approach to each.
🏭🏭🏭 A large processing plant located in Donetsk, DPR, is constantly BUYING wheat of 3-5 quality classes, namely: 🌾🌾🌾 WHEAT, 3rd class, gluten not less than 23, 💰18000 rubles with VAT ‼️ 🌾🌾🌾 WHEAT, 4th class, gluten from 20, 💰17000 rubles with VAT‼️ 🌾🌾🌾 WHEAT, 5th class, gluten from 20, 💰16500 rubles with VAT‼️ 🇷🇺 Payment method: non-cash payment with VAT or without VAT‼️ 🏗️ Unloading: Mon-Fri around the clock, Sat-Sun by agreement ☎️ WhatsApp/phone Vladimir Vasilievich 📩 Offers to email
❗The company purchases:
- Flax (golden, brown)
- Mustard (yellow, white)
- Safflower
- Vetch (spring, winter)
- Clover
- Phacelia
✅ In the Central Federal District (PFO) and also consider other regions for all offers in private messages!
📣 LLC "TivAgro" purchases 🌾Wheat with 12.5 protein 🌾White high protein wheat. We work with non-cash payments 📍Accepting at the warehouse in Azov, also considering offers from other locations. 📲 WA/Telegram
AO KHP TIKHORETSKIY BUYS WHEAT 🌾 11 protein Starting from 13000 tons monthly Vladislav We are waiting for your offers.
AO KHP TIKHORETSKIY BUYS WHEAT 🌾 With 11 protein content Monthly volume is 13000 tons Vladislav We are waiting for your proposals.
The MÉZ plant purchases oil-bearing #sunflower 🌻, #soy #rapeseed, and provides services for processing seeds into oil on a tolling basis. Procurement department: We purchase SUNFLOWER, RAPESEED, SOY on a regular basis, including acid and wet ones. We consider any region of the Russian Federation.
Rapeseed 60 tonnes gross ⚖️ Volume: 200 tons ⚖️ ⭕️ Lysaya Gora (Saratov Region) ⭕️ Dolgorukovo (Lipetsk Region) 🛣️ 560 km 🛣️ 💰2000 rubles per ton without VAT💰 🚚 any trucks 🚚 Timur
Selling: 🔴 red polished lentils oily football 🔴 red lentil seeds from Canada under the herbicide imazamox 🟡top grade millet 🟤 brown confectionery flax ⚪️ osman rice - other items in stock and available for order. Packed in 25kg bags. All products are from a large plant + photo proof. Crimea, Krasnoperekopsk. Call now!!! ❗️❗️❗️Buying in Crimea or with delivery to a warehouse in Crimea (Zaporizhia and Kherson regions with delivery as well): - red lentils - chickpeas - brown flax - yellow millet !!! Call now
We buy chickpeas, peas, mustard, lentils, safflower, sorghum, flax for self-pickup from the seller's warehouse in the Southern, Central, and Volga Federal Districts.