provides for the mandatory distribution of notices to each shareholder before each meeting. The possibility of convening a meeting of shareholders by only publishing information on convening a meeting in the press has been cancelled. A joint-stock company must send out written notices and, if it wishes, may publish it in the press. In case of non-compliance with the requirements for the mandatory distribution of notices to shareholders, shareholders may appeal the convening of the meeting in the judicial authorities. Shareholders can also challenge the convening of the meeting on the grounds that they did not receive notice of the convening of the general meeting. In order to avoid disagreements and conflicts regarding the convening of a meeting and notification, the administration of the company must develop and submit for approval by the general meeting a regulation on convening and notifying shareholders about the general meeting. The administration of the company must, in the annex to the regulation on the convocation and notification of shareholders, develop a standard notification. The notice of convening a meeting must contain: the last name, first name, patronymic of the shareholder; the time and place of the meeting; issues submitted for discussion by the general meeting. The notice shall be sent to all shareholders who have paid all contributions on ordinary shares, incl. company auditor. The notice shall be accompanied by: a) the agenda of the meeting of shareholders approved by the Board of Directors; b) materials on the agenda of the meeting of shareholders, incl. and a ballot for elections to the Board of Directors and a ballot for elections to the audit commission.
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