1) a person registered in the system of maintaining the register of holders of securities, including being a depositor of a depository, and not being an owner in respect of these securities. As N.d. securities may be professional participants in the securities market. The depositary may be registered as N.d. securities in accordance with the depository agreement: Broker may be registered as N.d. securities in accordance with the agreement on the basis of which he serves the client. N.d. may exercise the rights secured by the security only if it receives the appropriate authorization from the owner. Data on N.d. are subject to entry into the system of maintaining the register of securities holders by the holder of the register on behalf of the owner or N.d., if the latter persons are registered in this system of maintaining the register. Entering the name of N.d. to the registry system, etc. re-registration of securities in the name of N.d. do not entail the transfer of ownership and (or) other property rights to securities to the latter. Securities of clients N.d. not recoverable in favor of the creditors of the latter. Transactions with securities between holders of securities of the same N.d. are not reflected with the registrar or depository, of which he is a client; 2) a professional participant in the securities market, who is a holder of securities on his own behalf, but in the interests of another person, without being the owner of these securities. NOMINAL INCOME -1) nominal yield on a bond: coupon yield; 2) income in purely monetary terms, without taking into account the purchasing power of money, price levels, inflation.
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