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Подробнее о сервисе
30 ноября 2024

"Grain Prices Drop Across Exchanges on 15.02.2024"


Котировки на 15.02.24: котировки кукурузы на бирже CBOT (Чикаго) опустились с прошлой сессии на 6,50 ¢/bsh (1,53%) и составили 417,75 ¢/bsh (на прошлой сессии – 424,25 ¢/bsh) котировки мягкой краснозёрной озимой пшеницы (SRW) на бирже CBOT (Чикаго) опустились с прошлой сессии на 18,50 ¢/bsh (3,16%) и составили 567,00 ¢/bsh (на прошлой сессии – 585,50 ¢/bsh)

15.02.24. Grain prices:

  • The quotations of corn on the CBOT exchange (Chicago) fell by 6.50 ¢/bushel (1.53%) from the previous session and amounted to 417.75 ¢/bushel (compared to the previous session - 424.25 ¢/bushel)
  • The quotations of soft red winter wheat (SRW) on the CBOT exchange (Chicago) fell by 18.50 ¢/bushel (3.16%) from the previous session and amounted to 567.00 ¢/bushel (compared to the previous session - 585.50 ¢/bushel)
  • The quotations of hard red winter wheat (HRW) on the KCBT exchange (Kansas) fell by 12.00 ¢/bushel (2.04%) from the previous session and amounted to 575.75 ¢/bushel (compared to the previous session - 587.75 ¢/bushel)
  • The quotations of hard red spring wheat (HRS) on the MGE exchange (Minneapolis) fell by 4.50 ¢/bushel (0.68%) from the previous session and amounted to 658.00 ¢/bushel (compared to the previous session - 662.50 ¢/bushel)
  • The quotations of oats on the CBOT exchange (Chicago) increased by 0.25 ¢/bushel (0.07%) from the previous session and amounted to 382.25 ¢/bushel (compared to the previous session - 382.00 ¢/bushel)
  • The quotations of rough rice on the CBOT exchange (Chicago) increased by 0.01 USD/cwt (0.05%) from the previous session and amounted to 18.63 USD/cwt (compared to the previous session - 18.62 USD/cwt)

Grain quotes on exchanges on 15.02.2024

Commodity Month Date Open High Low Close Change Volume Open Interest Change
Corn (CBOT) March 2024 24-02-15 424.00 425.00 417.25 417.75 -6.50 182,682 429,166 -21,853
Wheat (CBOT) March 2024 24-02-15 585.75 585.75 565.25 567.00 -18.50 82,483 100,813 -19,334
Wheat (KCBT) March 2024 24-02-15 587.00 590.00 573.50 575.75 -12.00 3,571 60,668 -8,853
Wheat (MGE) March 2024 24-02-15 661.00 671.25 654.00 658.00 -4.50 6,924 26,475 -2,089
Oats (CBOT) March 2024 24-02-15 377.50 384.75 377.25 382.25 +0.25 221 2,137 -27
Rough rice (CBOT) March 2024 24-02-15 18.62 18.90 18.50 18.63 +0.01 1,054 7,337 -737


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