type of securities, means of registration of internal government loans. O.v.z. issued, as a rule, to the bearer. According to the type of income payments, they are divided into interest and interest-free. Income can also be paid in the form of winnings played in special draws. Depending on the entities among which bonds are placed, they are: freely tradable or with a limited circulation (for example, only among legal entities). Bonds are distributed among legal entities and individuals on a voluntary basis. Meanwhile, the forced (by subscription) placement of O.V.Z. is also known from the history of many states; therefore, bonds can be classified according to the principle of placement. According to the form of payment, they can be: a) paid in Russian and b) in foreign currency. In foreign currency O.v.z. are paid only in certain cases, provided for by special conditions of issue. As a rule, all bonds are paid in the currency of the Russian Federation. Depending on the issuer (the body issuing internal loan bonds), there are: bonds issued by the Government or the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and bonds issued by local governments.
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