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Depo account operator

术语含义 Depo account operator

1) a legal entity that is not a depositor of this account, but has the right, on the basis of the agreement between the operator and the depositor registered with the depository or the depositor's instruction to the operator, to give instructions to perform depositary operations with the depositor's securities accounts within the limits of the authority established by the agreement or instruction. The depositor may entrust several persons on the basis of various agreements with the performance of the duties of the operator of his depo account, while delimiting their powers. The depositary's regulations may provide for the obligatory appointment of an account operator and the requirement for the depositor to give instructions only through the operator appointed by him; 2) a legal entity and (or) a structural subdivision of a legal entity that has the right to give instructions for the performance of depositary operations in respect of securities held on a depo account within the established powers. The powers of the deposit account operator are established in the power of attorney issued by the depositor. The depositor may entrust several persons with the performance of the duties of the operator of his depo account, while delimiting their powers.

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