the sequence of actions of the issuer for the placement of issue-grade securities, established by the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Securities Market" dated April 22, 1996. The procedure for issuing issue-grade securities, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, includes the following stages: papers; 2) registration of the issue of emissive securities; 3) for a documentary form of issue - issuance of certificates of securities; 4) placement of equity securities; 5) registration of a report on the results of the issue of emissive securities. When registering prospectus E. c.6. the issue procedure is supplemented by the following stages: 1) preparation of a prospectus for the issue of equity securities; 2) registration of the prospectus for issue of emissive securities; 3) disclosure of all information contained in the prospectus; 4) disclosure of all information contained in the report on the results of the issue. The procedure for issuing state and municipal securities, the conditions for their placement and circulation are regulated by federal laws or in the manner prescribed by them.
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